There are three major types of rice, each one with its own rice calories value. One cup of the popular white rice (regular long grain and cooked) has 205 calories. 1 cup of cooked brown rice has 216 calories and 1 cup of cooked wild rice has only 166 calories in it. Calories in 3.5 […]
Broccoli can be eaten raw, steamed, stir-fried, microwaved, etc. Broccoli is the good source of vitamins and nutrients. However boiling can reduce the levels of anti cancer compounds in broccoli. Here are the broccoli calories, raw and cooked. Broccoli calories Broccoli Quantity Served Calories Raw Broccoli 1 Cup Chopped (90 gm) 30 kcal Cooked, […]
Calories in onions and the nutritional value of onions chart Onion Size Calories Carbo-hydrates Fats Vitamin B6 Vitamin C Calcium Magn esium Phosp horus 1 Small onion (70 g) 28 kcal 6.5 g 0.1g 0.1 mg 5.2 mg 16.1 mg 7.0 mg 20.3 mg 1 Medium onion (110 g) 44 kcal 10.3 g 0.1g […]
Calories in vodka How many calories in Vodka Find out, how many calories in Vodka on The Calorie Counter! Vodka is one of the most popular alcohols in the whole world. It’s a world famous drink that people drink not only by itself but in variety of different vodka cocktails. Vodka is primarily ethanol with […]

Mushrooms calories Mushrooms are low calories and full of nutritious components. They are one of the best sources of vitamin B12 which plays key role in the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system. White mushrooms calories Calories One ounce or 28g boiled or steamed 8 calories 3½ oz or 100g boiled or steamed […]
Corn calories Corn on the cob contains 11% fat, 76% carbs, 13% protein. Calories in corn on the cob (1 corn per serving) Type of corn Calories Fat grams Carb grams Protein grams Corn on the cob 77 1.10 17.10 2.90 Corn on the Cob with Butter 155 3.45 31.94 4.47 Cooked Yellow Sweet Corn […]

How many calories in sushi Have you ever wondered how many calories in sushi? Check the amount of calories and nutrients in basic sushi rolls, Nigiri sushi (sushi on rice bed), sashimi (sushi without rice), and sushi condiments such as soy sauce and Wasabi. Fortunately sushi is not a fattening food and contains not much […]